Why Your Business Needs Application Hosting

Application hosting is an on-demand software popularly applied as Software-as-a- Service(SaaS). The apps that are downloaded on the mobile devices and on the desktops and laptops need to be hosted somewhere to be available for the consumers to use. The hosting providers host these applications on the cloud servers for the users to access it over the internet. The consumers implement and operate the software application by paying a monthly subscription.

Low investment:

One of the primary benefits of application hosting is the low maintenance costs. The clients just need to have an internet connection for implementing the applications. They save space on their computers as they do not download any of the software. The cloud vendors are responsible for the hosting as well as maintaining the hardware and software infrastructure. Because the applications are delivered over the internet, procuring individual licenses per user is not required and this brings the expenses.

No contracts or commitments:

Users are under no obligation to sign any contract or a long-term commitment with the vendors. They just subscribe to the services monthly. New customers are generally offered a free trial period or are billed on the Pay-as-you-use model.  If the applications are suitable the users can subscribe to it however if the applications do not suit their business, they are under no compulsion to continue with it.

Another benefit of application hosting is it reduces the expenditure on the hardware infrastructure on computers. Even if there is an issue with a user’s system, their data is not lost and can be accessed from any other system.

Access from anywhere:

Application hosting stores all the data and software on the clouds and are accessible over the internet. The applications are not installed on the client’s machines so the authorized users in an organization can access and use these applications from any location, on any compatible device at any time.


The vendors offering application hosting do the infrastructure maintenance, updates, upgrades etc centrally. This removes the need of keeping track of the versions that individual consumers are using and in several cases, the need for versions numbers is removed completely.  The vendor takes care of the security patches and anti-virus, backups and more.

Application hosting services have different types of providers. They include

1. Vertical market ASP: The services are specific to only one industry or profession such as a dental or eye clinic etc.
2. Functional ASP: The application focuses on one function such as processing of credit card payment
3. Volume ASP: Services offered through their private website at affordable costs.
4. Local ASP: Location-centric services for the small businesses
5. Enterprise ASP: offers broad variety of solutions for the corporate businesses

ERP hosting solution India is a useful software for the CEOs to keep a track of the data and programs that run their business. The process is fast and error free and eliminates the need to depend upon the traditional form of accounting where the possibilities of human error are more and can result in inaccurate reports.
